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⚠️ Repo Archive Notice

As of Nov 13, 2020, charts in this repo will no longer be updated. For more information, see the Helm Charts Deprecation and Archive Notice, and Update.

ChartMuseum Helm Chart

Deploy your own private ChartMuseum.

Please also see https://github.com/kubernetes-helm/chartmuseum


This chart is deprecated and no longer supported.

Table of Content


  • [If enabled] A persistent storage resource and RW access to it
  • [If enabled] Kubernetes StorageClass for dynamic provisioning


By default this chart will not have persistent storage, and the API service will be DISABLED. This protects against unauthorized access to the API with default configuration values.

In addition, by default, pod securityContext.fsGroup is set to 1000. This is the user/group that the ChartMuseum container runs as, and is used to enable local persitant storage. If your cluster has DenySecurityContext enabled, you can set securityContext to {} and still use this chart with one of the cloud storage options.

For a more robust solution supply helm install with a custom values.yaml You are also required to create the StorageClass resource ahead of time:

kubectl create -f /path/to/storage_class.yaml

The following table lists common configurable parameters of the chart and their default values. See values.yaml for all available options.

Parameter Description Default
image.pullPolicy Container pull policy IfNotPresent
image.repository Container image to use chartmuseum/chartmuseum
image.tag Container image tag to deploy v0.12.0
persistence.accessMode Access mode to use for PVC ReadWriteOnce
persistence.enabled Whether to use a PVC for persistent storage false
persistence.path PV mount path /storage
persistence.size Amount of space to claim for PVC 8Gi
persistence.labels Additional labels for PVC {}
persistence.storageClass Storage Class to use for PVC -
persistence.volumeName Volume to use for PVC ``
persistence.pv.enabled Whether to use a PV for persistent storage false
persistence.pv.capacity.storage Storage size to use for PV 8Gi
persistence.pv.accessMode Access mode to use for PV ReadWriteOnce
persistence.pv.nfs.server NFS server for PV ``
persistence.pv.nfs.path Storage Path ``
persistence.pv.pvname Custom name for private volume ``
volumePermissions.image.registry Init container volume-permissions image registry docker.io
volumePermissions.image.repository Init container volume-permissions image name bitnami/minideb
volumePermissions.image.tag Init container volume-permissions image tag buster
volumePermissions.image.pullPolicy Init container volume-permissions image pull policy Always
replicaCount k8s replicas 1
resources.limits.cpu Container maximum CPU 100m
resources.limits.memory Container maximum memory 128Mi
resources.requests.cpu Container requested CPU 80m
resources.requests.memory Container requested memory 64Mi
secret.labels Additional labels for secret false
serviceAccount.create If true, create the service account false
serviceAccount.name Name of the serviceAccount to create or use {{ chartmuseum.fullname }}
serviceAccount.annotations Additional Service Account annotations {}
securityContext.enabled Enable securityContext true
securityContext.fsGroup Group ID for the container 1000
securityContext.runAsNonRoot Running Pods as non-root ``
securityContext.supplementalGroups Control which group IDs containers add ``
containerSecurityContext Additional Container securityContext (ex. allowPrivilegeEscalation) {}
priorityClassName priorityClassName ""
nodeSelector Map of node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
affinity Map of node/pod affinities {}
schedulerName Kubernetes scheduler to use default
env.open.STORAGE Storage Backend to use local
env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_BUCKET Bucket to store charts in for Alibaba ``
env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_PREFIX Prefix to store charts under for Alibaba ``
env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_ENDPOINT Alternative Alibaba endpoint ``
env.open.STORAGE_ALIBABA_SSE Server side encryption algorithm to use ``
env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET Bucket to store charts in for AWS ``
env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_ENDPOINT Alternative AWS endpoint ``
env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_PREFIX Prefix to store charts under for AWS ``
env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_REGION Region to use for bucket access for AWS ``
env.open.STORAGE_AMAZON_SSE Server side encryption algorithm to use ``
env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET Bucket to store charts in for GCP ``
env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_PREFIX Prefix to store charts under for GCP ``
env.open.STORAGE_MICROSOFT_CONTAINER Container to store charts under for MS ``
env.open.STORAGE_MICROSOFT_PREFIX Prefix to store charts under for MS ``
env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CONTAINER Container to store charts for openstack ``
env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_PREFIX Prefix to store charts for openstack ``
env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_REGION Region of openstack container ``
env.open.STORAGE_OPENSTACK_CACERT Path to a CA cert bundle for openstack ``
env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID Compartment ID for Oracle Object Store ``
env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET Bucket to store charts in Oracle Object Store ``
env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX Prefix to store charts for Oracle object Store ``
env.open.CHART_POST_FORM_FIELD_NAME Form field to query for chart file content ``
env.open.PROV_POST_FORM_FIELD_NAME Form field to query for chart provenance ``
env.open.DEPTH levels of nested repos for multitenancy. 0
env.open.DEBUG Show debug messages false
env.open.LOG_JSON Output structured logs in JSON true
env.open.DISABLE_STATEFILES Disable use of index-cache.yaml false
env.open.DISABLE_METRICS Disable Prometheus metrics true
env.open.DISABLE_API Disable all routes prefixed with /api true
env.open.ALLOW_OVERWRITE Allow chart versions to be re-uploaded false
env.open.CHART_URL Absolute url for .tgzs in index.yaml ``
env.open.AUTH_ANONYMOUS_GET Allow anon GET operations when auth is used false
env.open.CONTEXT_PATH Set the base context path ``
env.open.INDEX_LIMIT Parallel scan limit for the repo indexer ``
env.open.CACHE Cache store, can be one of: redis ``
env.open.CACHE_REDIS_ADDR Address of Redis service (host:port) ``
env.open.CACHE_REDIS_DB Redis database to be selected after connect 0
env.open.BEARER_AUTH Enable bearer auth false
env.open.AUTH_REALM Realm used for bearer authentication ``
env.open.AUTH_SERVICE Service used for bearer authentication ``
env.field Expose pod information to containers through environment variables ``
env.existingSecret Name of the existing secret use values ``
env.existingSecret.BASIC_AUTH_USER Key name in the secret for the Username ``
env.existingSecret.BASIC_AUTH_PASS Key name in the secret for the Password ``
env.secret.BASIC_AUTH_USER Username for basic HTTP authentication ``
env.secret.BASIC_AUTH_PASS Password for basic HTTP authentication ``
env.secret.CACHE_REDIS_PASSWORD Redis requirepass server configuration ``
extraArgs Pass extra arguments to the chartmuseum binary ``
gcp.secret.enabled Flag for the GCP service account false
gcp.secret.name Secret name for the GCP json file ``
gcp.secret.key Secret key for te GCP json file credentials.json
oracle.secret.enabled Flag for Oracle OCI account false
oracle.secret.name Secret name for OCI config and key ``
oracle.secret.config Secret key that holds the OCI config config
oracle.secret.key_file Secret key that holds the OCI private key key_file
bearerAuth.secret.enabled Flag for bearer auth public key secret ``
bearerAuth.secret.publicKey The name of the secret with the public key ``
service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP
service.clusterIP Static clusterIP or None for headless services nil
service.externalTrafficPolicy Source IP preservation (only for Service type NodePort and LoadBalancer) Local
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Restricts access for LoadBalancer (only for Service type LoadBalancer) []
service.servicename Custom name for service ``
service.labels Additional labels for service {}
serviceMonitor.enabled Enable the ServiceMontor resource to be deployed false
serviceMonitor.labels Labels for the servicemonitor used by the Prometheus Operator {}
serviceMonitor.namespace Namespace of the ServiceMonitor resource {{ .Release.Namespace }}
serviceMonitor.metricsPath Path to the Chartmuseum metrics path /metrics
serviceMonitor.interval Scrape interval, If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used nil
serviceMonitor.timeout Scrape request timeout. If not set, the Prometheus default timeout is used nil
deployment.labels Additional labels for deployment {}
deployment.matchlabes Match labels for deployment selector {}
ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations []
ingress.labels Ingress labels []
ingress.hosts[0].name Hostname for the ingress ``
ingress.hosts[0].path Path within the url structure ``
ingress.hosts[0].tls Enable TLS on the ingress host false
ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret TLS secret to use (must be manually created) ``
ingress.hosts[0].serviceName The name of the service to route traffic to. {{ .Values.service.externalPort }}
ingress.hosts[0].servicePort The port of the service to route traffic to. {{ .chartmuseum. }}
ingress.extraPaths[0].path Path within the url structure. ``
ingress.extraPaths[0].service The name of the service to route traffic to. ``
ingress.extraPaths[0].port The port of the service to route traffic to. ``

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install.


helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using with Amazon S3

Make sure your environment is properly setup to access my-s3-bucket

You need at least the following permissions inside your IAM Policy

  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Sid": "AllowListObjects",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket"
      "Sid": "AllowObjectsCRUD",
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": [
      "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::my-s3-bucket/*"

You can grant it to chartmuseum by several ways:

permissions grant with access keys

Grant permissions to special user and us it's access keys for auth on aws

Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: amazon
    STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "********" ## aws access key id value
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "********" ## aws access key secret value

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

permissions grant with IAM instance profile

You can grant permissions to k8s node IAM instance profile. For more information read this article

Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: amazon
    STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

permissions grant with IAM assumed role

To provide access with assumed role you need to install kube2iam and create role with granded permissions.

Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: amazon
    STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket
    iam.amazonaws.com/role: "{assumed role name}"

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

permissions grant with IAM Roles for Service Accounts

For Amazon EKS clusters, access can be provided with a service account using IAM Roles for Service Accounts.

Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: amazon
    STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket
  create: true
    eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: "arn:aws:iam::{aws account ID}:role/{assumed role name}"

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using with Google Cloud Storage

Make sure your environment is properly setup to access my-gcs-bucket

Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: google
    STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket

Using with Google Cloud Storage and a Google Service Account

A Google service account credentials are stored in a json file. There are two approaches here. Ideally you don't want to send your secrets to tiller. In that case, before installing this chart, you should create a secret with those credentials:

kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-file=credentials.json="my-project-45e35d85a593.json"

Then you can either use a VALUES yaml with your values or set those values in the command line:

helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug  --set gcp.secret.enabled=true,env.open.STORAGE=google,env.open.DISABLE_API=false,env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET=my-gcp-chartmuseum,gcp.secret.name=chartmuseum-secret

If you prefer to use a yaml file:

    STORAGE: google
    STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket

    enabled: true
    name: chartmuseum-secret
    key: credentials.json

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

In case that you don't mind adding your secret to tiller (you shouldn't do it), this are the commands

    STORAGE: google
    STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET: my-gcs-bucket
    GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON: my-json-file-base64-encoded
    enabled: true

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

To set the values directly in the command line, use the following command. Note that we have to base64 encode the json file because we cannot pass a multi-line text as a value.

export JSONKEY=$(cat my-project-77e35d85a593.json | base64)
helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug  --set gcp.secret.enabled=true,env.secret.GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_JSON=${JSONKEY},env.open.STORAGE=google,env.open.DISABLE_API=false,env.open.STORAGE_GOOGLE_BUCKET=my-gcp-chartmuseum

Using with Microsoft Azure Blob Storage

Make sure your environment is properly setup to access mycontainer.

To do so, you must set the following env vars:


Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: microsoft
    # prefix to store charts for microsoft storage backend
    AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT: "********" ## azure storage account
    AZURE_STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY: "********" ## azure storage account access key

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using with Alibaba Cloud OSS Storage

Make sure your environment is properly setup to access my-oss-bucket.

To do so, you must set the following env vars:


Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: alibaba
    STORAGE_ALIBABA_BUCKET: my-oss-bucket
    STORAGE_ALIBABA_ENDPOINT: oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com
    ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "********" ## alibaba OSS access key id
    ALIBABA_CLOUD_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: "********" ## alibaba OSS access key secret

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using with Openstack Object Storage

Make sure your environment is properly setup to access mycontainer.

To do so, you must set the following env vars (depending on your openstack version):


Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: openstack
    OS_AUTH_URL: https://myauth.url.com/v2.0/
    OS_TENANT_ID: yourtenantid
    OS_USERNAME: yourusername
    OS_PASSWORD: yourpassword

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using with Oracle Object Storage

Oracle (OCI) configuration and private key need to be added to a secret and are mounted at /home/chartmuseum/.oci. Your OCI config needs to be under [DEFAULT] and your key_file needs to be /home/chartmuseum/.oci/oci.key. See https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm

kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-file=config=".oci/config" --from-file=key_file=".oci/oci.key"

Then you can either use a VALUES yaml with your values or set those values in the command line:

helm install stable/chartmuseum --debug  --set env.open.STORAGE=oracle,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID=ocid1.compartment.oc1..abc123,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET=myocibucket,env.open.STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX=chartmuseum,oracle.secret.enabled=true,oracle.secret.name=chartmuseum-secret

If you prefer to use a yaml file:

    STORAGE: oracle
    STORAGE_ORACLE_COMPARTMENTID: ocid1.compartment.oc1..abc123
    STORAGE_ORACLE_BUCKET:        myocibucket
    STORAGE_ORACLE_PREFIX:        chartmuseum

    enabled: enabled
    name: chartmuseum-secret
    config: config
    key_file: key_file

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using an existing secret

It is possible to pre-create a secret in kubernetes and get this chart to use that

Given you are for example using the above AWS example

You could create a Secret like this

 kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-literal="aws-access-key=myaccesskey" --from-literal="aws-secret-access-key=mysecretaccesskey" --from-literal="basic-auth-user=curator" --from-literal="basic-auth-pass=mypassword"

Specify custom.yaml with such values

    STORAGE: amazonexistingSecret
    STORAGE_AMAZON_BUCKET: my-s3-bucket
  existingSecret: chartmuseum-secret
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: aws-access-key
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: aws-secret-access-key
    BASIC_AUTH_USER: basic-auth-user
    BASIC_AUTH_PASS: basic-auth-pass

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Using with local filesystem storage

By default chartmuseum uses local filesystem storage. But on pod recreation it will lose all charts, to prevent that enable persistent storage.

    STORAGE: local
  enabled: true
  accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  size: 8Gi
  ## A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim
  ## Requires persistence.enabled: true
  ## If defined, PVC must be created manually before volume will be bound
  # existingClaim:

  ## Chartmuseum data Persistent Volume Storage Class
  ## If defined, storageClassName: <storageClass>
  ## If set to "-", storageClassName: "", which disables dynamic provisioning
  ## If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is
  ##   set, choosing the default provisioner.  (gp2 on AWS, standard on
  ##   GKE, AWS & OpenStack)
  # storageClass: "-"

Run command to install

helm install --name my-chartmuseum -f custom.yaml stable/chartmuseum

Setting local storage permissions with initContainers

Some clusters do not allow using securityContext to set permissions for persistent volumes. Instead, an initContainer can be created to run chown on the mounted volume. To enable it, set securityContext.enabled to false.

Example storage class

Example storage-class.yaml provided here for use with a Ceph cluster.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: storage-volume
provisioner: kubernetes.io/rbd
  monitors: ","
  adminId: admin
  adminSecretName: thesecret
  adminSecretNamespace: default
  pool: chartstore
  userId: user
  userSecretName: thesecret


By default this chart does not have any authentication configured and allows anyone to fetch or upload (assuming the API is enabled) charts there are two supported methods of authentication

Basic Authentication

This allows all API routes to be protected by HTTP basic auth, this is configured either as plain text in the values that gets stored as a secret in the kubernetes cluster by setting:

    BASIC_AUTH_USER: curator
    BASIC_AUTH_PASS: mypassword

Or by using values from an existing secret in the cluster that can be created using:

kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-secret --from-literal="basic-auth-user=curator" --from-literal="basic-auth-pass=mypassword"

This secret can be used in the values file as follows:

  existingSecret: chartmuseum-secret
    BASIC_AUTH_USER: basic-auth-user
    BASIC_AUTH_PASS: basic-auth-pass

Bearer/Token auth

When using this ChartMuseum is configured with a public key, and will accept RS256 JWT tokens signed by the associated private key, passed in the Authorization header. You can use the chartmuseum/auth Go library to generate valid JWT tokens. For more information about how this works, please see chartmuseum/auth-server-example

To use this the public key should be stored in a secret this can be done with

kubectl create secret generic chartmuseum-public-key --from-file=public-key.pem

And Bearer/Token auth can be configured using the following values

    BEARER_AUTH: true
    AUTH_REALM: <realm>
    AUTH_SERVICE: <service>

    enabled: true
    publicKeySecret: chartmuseum-public-key


This chart provides support for ingress resources. If you have an ingress controller installed on your cluster, such as nginx-ingress or traefik you can utilize the ingress controller to expose Kubeapps.

To enable ingress integration, please set ingress.enabled to true


Most likely you will only want to have one hostname that maps to this Chartmuseum installation, however, it is possible to have more than one host. To facilitate this, the ingress.hosts object is an array. TLS secrets referenced in the ingress host configuration must be manually created in the namespace.

In most cases, you should not specify values for ingress.hosts[0].serviceName and ingress.hosts[0].servicePort. However, some ingress controllers support advanced scenarios requiring you to specify these values. For example, setting up an SSL redirect using the AWS ALB Ingress Controller.

Extra Paths

Specifying extra paths to prepend to every host configuration is especially useful when configuring custom actions with AWS ALB Ingress Controller.

helm install --name my-chartmuseum stable/chartmuseum \
  --set ingress.enabled=true \
  --set ingress.hosts[0].name=chartmuseum.domain.com \
  --set ingress.extraPaths[0].service=ssl-redirect \
  --set ingress.extraPaths[0].port=use-annotation \


For annotations, please see this document for nginx and this document for Traefik. Not all annotations are supported by all ingress controllers, but this document does a good job of indicating which annotation is supported by many popular ingress controllers. Annotations can be set using ingress.annotations.

Example Ingress configuration

helm install --name my-chartmuseum stable/chartmuseum \
  --set ingress.enabled=true \
  --set ingress.hosts[0].name=chartmuseum.domain.com \
  --set ingress.hosts[0].path=/
  --set ingress.hosts[0].tls=true
  --set ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret=chartmuseum.tls-secret


By default, a deliberate uninstall will result in the persistent volume claim being deleted.

helm delete my-chartmuseum

To delete the deployment and its history:

helm delete --purge my-chartmuseum