postgres_operator_chart_ref: "ghp/postgres-operator" postgres_operator_ui_chart_ref: "ghp/postgres-operator-ui" postgres_operator_ui_short_name: "postgres-operator-ui" postgres_operator_default_values: configKubernetes: pod_environment_configmap: "{{ postgres_db_namespace | default(namespace) }}/postgresql-pod-environment" storage_resize_mode: pvc watched_namespace: "{{ postgres_operator_watch_namespace | default(namespace) }}" postgres_operator_ui_default_values: replicaCount: 1 envs: # IMPORTANT: While operator chart and UI chart are idendependent, this is the interface between # UI and operator API. Insert the service name of the operator API here! operatorApiUrl: "http://postgres-operator:8080" operatorClusterNameLabel: "cluster-name" resourcesVisible: "False" targetNamespace: "{{ namespace }}" # configure UI ingress. If needed: "enabled: true" ingress: enabled: true ingressClassName: "{{ postgres_operator_ui_ingress_class | default(internal_ingress_class) }}" annotations: "letsencrypt-prod" hosts: - host: "{{ postgres_operator_ui_short_name }}.{{ domain }}" paths: ["/"] tls: - secretName: "{{ postgres_operator_ui_short_name }}.{{ domain }}-tls" hosts: - "{{ postgres_operator_ui_short_name }}.{{ domain }}" postgres_db_definitions: ghp-postgres: | kind: "postgresql" apiVersion: "" metadata: name: "{{ postgres_db_team | default(namespace) }}-postgres" namespace: "{{ postgres_db_namespace | default(namespace) }}" labels: team: "{{ postgres_db_team | default(namespace) }}" spec: teamId: "{{ postgres_db_team | default(namespace) }}" postgresql: version: "12" numberOfInstances: 2 volume: size: "{{ postgres_size | default('10Gi') }}" users: gitea: [] bitwarden: [] wikijs: [] nextcloud: [] roundcube: [] harbor: [] mastodon: [] databases: gitea: gitea bitwarden: bitwarden wikijs: wikijs nextcloud: nextcloud roundcube: roundcube harbor_registry: harbor harbor_clair: harbor harbor_notary_server: harbor harbor_notary_signer: harbor mastodon: mastodon preparedDatabases: peertube: defaultUsers: true extensions: pg_trgm: pg_catalog unaccent: public allowedSourceRanges: [] resources: requests: cpu: 100m memory: 100Mi limits: cpu: 500m memory: 500Mi