--- - name: Make sure handlers are flushed immediately meta: flush_handlers - name: Gather packages package_facts: manager: auto - name: Load a variable file based on the OS type include_vars: "{{ lookup('first_found', params) }}" vars: params: files: - "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] }}.yaml" - "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] }}.yaml" - "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] }}.yaml" - "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] }}-{{ ansible_facts['distribution_version'] }}.yaml" - "{{ ansible_facts['distribution'] }}.yaml" - "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] }}.yaml" paths: - "vars" tags: pgbouncer_vars - name: "Set fact about PostgreSQL package" set_fact: pgbouncer_postgresql_package_name: "{{ ansible_facts.packages | list | select('match', pgbouncer_postgresql_package_name_regex) | first }}" - name: "Get PostgreSQL major version" set_fact: pgbouncer_postgresql_major_version: "{{ ansible_facts.packages[pgbouncer_postgresql_package_name][0]['version'] | split('.') | first }}" pgbouncer_postgresql_minor_version: "{{ ansible_facts.packages[pgbouncer_postgresql_package_name][0]['version'] | split('.') | last }}" - name: Mask pgbouncer before install systemd: name: pgbouncer masked: yes when: - ansible_os_family == "Debian" - "'pgbouncer' not in ansible_facts.packages" tags: pgbouncer_mask, pgbouncer - name: Install pgbouncer package package: name: pgbouncer environment: "{{ proxy_env | default({}) }}" tags: pgbouncer_install, pgbouncer - name: Ensure config directory "{{ pgbouncer_conf_dir }}" exist file: path: "{{ pgbouncer_conf_dir }}" state: directory owner: "{{ pgbouncer_systemd_user }}" group: "{{ pgbouncer_systemd_group }}" mode: 0750 tags: pgbouncer_conf, pgbouncer - name: Add pgbouncer systemd unit user and group override block: - name: Ensure override dir for pgbouncer exists file: path: /etc/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service.d state: directory - name: Set user and group for pgbouncer copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/pgbouncer.service.d/override.conf content: | [Service] User= User={{ pgbouncer_systemd_user }} Group= Group={{ pgbouncer_systemd_group }} - name: Enable log rotation with logrotate copy: content: | "{{ pgbouncer_log_dir }}/{{ pgbouncer_log_name }}" { daily rotate 7 copytruncate delaycompress compress notifempty missingok su root root } dest: /etc/logrotate.d/pgbouncer tags: pgbouncer_logrotate, pgbouncer - name: Configure pgbouncer.ini template: src: templates/pgbouncer.ini.j2 dest: "{{ pgbouncer_conf_dir }}/{{ pgbouncer_conf_name }}" owner: "{{ pgbouncer_systemd_user }}" group: "{{ pgbouncer_systemd_group }}" mode: 0640 notify: "restart pgbouncer" when: existing_pgcluster is not defined or not existing_pgcluster|bool tags: pgbouncer_conf, pgbouncer - name: Ensure user and group applied to all files and dirs file: path: "{{ item }}" owner: "{{ pgbouncer_systemd_user }}" group: "{{ pgbouncer_systemd_group }}" recurse: yes state: directory loop: - "{{ pgbouncer_conf_dir }}" - "{{ pgbouncer_log_dir }}" - name: Ping PostgreSQL server community.postgresql.postgresql_ping: db: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_db }}" login_host: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_host }}" login_user: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_superuser_username }}" login_password: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_superuser_password }}" register: postgresql_ping until: postgresql_ping.is_available retries: 60 delay: 20 - name: Get auth user {{ pgbouncer_auth_user }} password hash community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_db }}" login_host: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_host }}" login_user: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_superuser_username }}" login_password: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_superuser_password }}" query: "{{ pgbouncer_postgresql_auth_query }}" positional_args: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_user }}" register: pgbouncer_postgresql_superuser_password_hash - name: Create auth_file template: src: templates/userlist.txt.j2 dest: "{{ pgbouncer_auth_file }}" owner: postgres group: postgres mode: 0640 when: existing_pgcluster is not defined or not existing_pgcluster|bool tags: pgbouncer - name: Ensure pgbouncer enabled and started systemd: daemon_reload: true name: pgbouncer enabled: true state: started masked: no register: pgbouncer_enable_and_start tags: pgbouncer, pgbouncer_start