--- - block: - name: Configure interfaces with nmcli community.general.nmcli: conn_name: "{{ iface.conn_name }}" type: "{{ iface.type | default('ethernet') }}" ip4: "{{ omit if iface.ip4 is not defined else (iface.ip4|join(', ')) }}" ip6: "{{ omit if iface.ip6 is not defined else (iface.ip6|join(', ')) }}" gw4: "{{ iface.gw4 | default(omit) }}" gw6: "{{ iface.gw6 | default(omit) }}" never_default4: "{{ iface.never_default4 | default('yes') }}" vlanid: "{{ iface.vlanid | default(omit) }}" mtu: "{{ iface.mtu | default(0) }}" zone: "{{ iface.zone | default(omit) }}" state: present notify: - Reload interface with nmcli - name: Get existing ipv4 routes shell: nmcli -g ipv4.routes connection show {{ iface.conn_name }} register: existing_routes4_res changed_when: False - name: Get existing ipv6 routes shell: nmcli -g ipv6.routes connection show {{ iface.conn_name }} register: existing_routes6_res changed_when: False - name: Set fact about existing and new ipv4/ipv6 routes set_fact: existing_routes4: "{{ existing_routes4_res.stdout | hash('sha256') }}" new_routes4: "{{ '' if iface.routes4 is not defined else (iface.routes4|join(', ') | hash('sha256')) }}" existing_routes6: "{{ existing_routes6_res.stdout | hash('sha256') }}" new_routes6: "{{ '' if iface.routes6 is not defined else (iface.routes6|join(', ') | hash('sha256')) }}" #- debug: # msg: "{{ existing_routes4_res.stdout | hash('sha256') }}" #- debug: # msg: "{{ '' if iface.routes4 is not defined else (iface.routes4|join(', ') | hash('sha256')) }}" - name: Update routes and rules with nmcli community.general.nmcli: conn_name: "{{ iface.conn_name }}" type: "{{ iface.type | default('ethernet') }}" ip4: "{{ omit if iface.ip4 is not defined else (iface.ip4|join(', ')) }}" ip6: "{{ omit if iface.ip6 is not defined else (iface.ip6|join(', ')) }}" gw4: "{{ iface.gw4 | default(omit) }}" gw6: "{{ iface.gw6 | default(omit) }}" never_default4: "{{ iface.never_default4 | default('yes') }}" vlanid: "{{ iface.vlanid | default(omit) }}" routes4: "{{ omit if existing_routes4 == new_routes4 else iface.routes4 }}" routing_rules4: "{{ iface.routing_rules4 | default(omit) }}" routes6: "{{ omit if existing_routes6 == new_routes6 else iface.routes6 }}" routing_rules6: "{{ iface.routing_rules6 | default(omit) }}" mtu: "{{ iface.mtu | default(0) }}" zone: "{{ iface.zone | default(omit) }}" state: present notify: - Reload interface with nmcli